Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Three pieces I heard at AWP Seattle, plus a pre-conference memoir and a post-conference story collection

"Rollerskating, Barking," a short story by Meg Pokrass, storySouth, Issue 34 (Fall 2012). 
"Heat," a short story by Grant Faulkner, Word Riot (November 2010).  
"Poem for the Breasts," a poem by Sharon Olds, from her collection Stag's Leap (Alfred A. Knopf, 2013, pp. 21-22), and originally published in Ploughshares (Spring 1999).  I mentioned the book in an earlier post, but I didn't fully appreciate this particular poem until I heard her read it out loud. 
Joseph Anton, a memoir by Salman Rushdie (Random House, 2012).     
The Progress of Love, a collection of short stories by Alice Munro (Alfred A. Knopf, 1986).  My favorite was probably "Monsieur les Deux Chapeaux" (pp. 56-83), which was originally published in Grand Street (Vol. 4, No. 3, Spring 1985, pp. 7-33).

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