Friday, March 15, 2013

Four short stories, a poem, and an essay

"As Dreams of Poets," a short story by Timothy Dyke, Drunken Boat (Number 15).

"I Am Thinking of Starting My Own Religion," a short story by Timothy C. Dyke, Spork Press.

"What Happened When She Moved In," flash fiction by Steven D. Stark, Fleeting (February 27, 2013).

"Cortes Island," a short story by Alice Munro, The New Yorker (October 12, 1998) and reprinted in her story collection The Love of a Good Woman (Vintage 1998, pp. 117-145).

"Russian Beggarwoman II," a poem by Gail Peck, Ekphrasis (2008).

"The Poverty Clinic," an essay by Paul Tough, The New Yorker (March 21, 2011, pp. 25-32).

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