Thursday, May 31, 2007

Two Poems, Two Short Shorts, and an Essay

"Sometimes I still dream about their pink bodies" by Kelli Russell Agodon (a poem from Poetry Southeast, Fall 2006)

"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden (a poem from Angle of Ascent: New and Collected Poems, copyright 1962, and reprinted for the Favorite Poem Project)

"Refreshing Like Diet Coke" by Jacinta Nandi (a short short story from Cautionary Tale, April 2007)

"One Day I Cried" by Oren Miller (a short essay from Word Riot, November 2005)

"Drowning" by Janet Thorning (a short short story from 971 MENU, May 2007)

1 comment:

Jacinta said...

Hey I just googled myself (I know, I KNOW, don't judge me, I am just being honest) and found this....I am on blogspot too, yay...
